Cataract surgery in Mumbai

In Clear Vision, our eye specialist provides you the best Cataract Surgery in Mumbai, with the help of advanced technology and tools for better vision after Cataract Surgery.

A clear lens inside the eye helps focus the external light on your retina. This lens also allows images to be sharply visible. As a person ages, this lens slowly grows cloudy and turns yellow. This clouding of the eye lens is a cataract. Cataracts are a commonly occurring problem that is caused by gradual overuse of ocular muscles. When the proteins that form the eye lens start to clump together, they block the light that optic nerves need to develop an image in the brain. Over time, the lens in your eye entirely clouds and ultimately hinders your vision.

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What Are The Causes Of Cataracts?

As you cross the age of 50, your body organs tend to lose their agility and immunity, which often leads to the formation of cataract. This problem is only the natural cause while there are a lot of other disorders and habits which lead to cataract formation, such as:

  • Genetically Inherited disorders that aren’t dealt with in time
  • Preceding eye-related surgeries or illnesses that are showing latent side-effects
  • A traumatic injury that directly affected the fluids in the eye
  • Long-term exposure to direct UV rays
  • Consumption of steroidal drugs for more prolonged periods
  • Long-term use of cigarettes and alcohol 
  • Existing medical conditions like diabetes and High Blood Pressure

What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Cataract?

A cataract is often confused with myopia in its initial stages. However, developing stages of cataracts show some distinct signs, such as:

  • Blurriness in both far-sight and close-sight
  • Blurry and disturbed night vision
  • A noticeable dullness in colours which you know to be bright
  • increased sensitivity to sun glares
  • Seeing halos around lights sources
  • Seeing double images with the affected eye
  • a need for frequent changes in prescription glasses

What Are The Types Of Cataracts?

Cataract usually starts in the peripheral parts of the eye lens and slowly make its way towards the retina. However, based on different medical factors, there are four different ways by which it can grow in one’s eyes.

This type of cataract initially grows on the outer edges of the lens like white stripes and gradually moves inwards toward the lens, reducing one’s overall visibility.

Congenital cataracts are caused by genetically transmitted disorders, which usually occur in small children. They might be caused due to previous trauma or injury and develop later as one grows older. 

A nuclear cataract, instead of hindering your eyesight, will conversely improve your vision, making it clear and sharp. Hence, detecting them in the initial stages is very tricky. However, as it grows, the eye lens turns yellowish or brownish in the shade, making it difficult to grasp some colours, yellow in particular.

It starts growing from behind the eye lens, preventing the retina from collecting enough light. It causes a disturbance in your reading vision and creates glares around the lights at nighttime. They tend to grow much faster than the other types, and hence, it is recommended to be removed immediately after detection.

What Are The Prerequisites For Cataract Surgery?

Like any operation, clear-cornea cataract surgery requires clinical and physical preparation. Any cataract surgeon needs to know your health history and examine your eyes carefully before suggesting the surgery.

Your doctor will review your health history. Based on that, they may order further tests or consult other surgeons. Your current medications will also be taken into account.

You will have a thorough eye exam. Your eye doctor or a technician will use devices that measure the length and curve of your eye. These measurements then let your doctor select the proper IOL for you.

Have someone drive you to and from the outpatient surgery clinic or hospital. Plan to be there for about 2 to 3 hours. The surgery itself is brief, but the hospital staff will need some time to get you ready for operation. When you arrive, you may have to sign a consent form. This form explains the risks of surgery. Just before surgery, your doctor will give you medicine that will relax your body and keep you from feeling pain.

What Are The Treatments For Cataracts?

The goal of cataract surgery is to remove the clouded lens entirely and replace it with a synthetic intraocular lens. This procedure is also termed as an Intraocular lens(IOL) Implant, where the cataract surgeon makes an incision around the eye lens and removes the cloudy lens, and precisely inserts a special type of intraocular lens in its place.

IOLs are generally made from silicone or acrylic compounds. The surgery takes a day to heal, and the patient is allowed to go home by the end of the same day in most cases.

Types of Cataract Surgeries:

This modern technique uses laser treatment to remove the cataract through a clear corneal incision. It is performed under sedation by inducing anaesthesia in the form of eye drops (topical) or an injection (local). These small incisions are typically 2.7–3.2 mm wide, just large enough to accommodate the foldable IOL after phacoemulsification. 

First, the cloudy lens is emulsified(broken down) with an ultrasonic handpiece and sucked out of its place through a small incision. This process is known as ‘Phacoemulsification’. The natural membrane (capsule) that held your lens is left in place.

It is simultaneously replaced with the irrigation of a balanced salt solution to maintain the anterior chamber. A folded IOL is inserted through the incision and positioned in the capsule that held your old lens. In most cases, the incision is self-sealing where no sutures are necessary to keep it closed. 

The clear-cornea technique offers many benefits that can help get you back to your normal activities quickly. With clear-cornea cataract surgery:

  • You spend less time in the operating room as the treatment is quick.
  • This surgery is painless surgery without needles, stitches, or patches.
  • This technique usually has little or no effect on preexisting astigmatism.
  • Your vision will get clearer almost on the same day after the surgery.
  • The incision is tiny and heals much faster.
  • You’ll be back to your usual activities in days rather than weeks.
  • When the cataract is too dense for phacoemulsification, this technique is used. 
  • Here, a bit larger incision is made to remove the cataract wholly instead of fragmenting it within the eye and replaced with an appropriate IOL. 
  • Multiple sutures are required to close the incision, which also increases the time it would take to heal and fully function.
  • In extreme cases where the lens and its surrounding capsule are also damaged, and Intracapsular surgery is performed where the entire lens, along with its surrounding capsule is removed. 
  • However, the replacing IOL is placed closer to the iris, instead of its actual place. 
  • The incision made is quite large and takes more time to heal than any other technique.
  • The natural capsule that holds your new lens may become cloudy over time, creating a secondary cataract or after cataract. 
  • The medical term for this common complication is Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO).
  • The doctor uses a laser to treat a secondary cataract where the laser beam creates a small opening in the capsule that lets light pass clearly into the eye.
  • The procedure takes a few minutes to complete without any need for needles or stitches. Most people go home an hour or so after treatment, and can see sharply again right away.
  • Once the secondary cataract is treated, it won’t reoccur ever again.

How Does Lens Implantation Work?

In the lens implantation procedure, the clouded cataract eye lens is completely removed with special surgical tools. Our best cataract surgeon in Mumbai takes special care to ensure that the adjacent tissues aren’t damaged or moved during the process.

There are different methods for removing the damaged lens. Without the lens, the eye cannot focus at any point, and everything appears completely blurred.
There are different methods for removing the damaged lens. Without the lens, the eye cannot focus at any point, and everything appears completely blurred.
A specific type of artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is placed in the original position of the natural lens to perform its functions. These IOLs are typically made of acrylic material, which can be easily folded and passed through incisions as small as 2.2 mm. Each IOL is designed to offer clear and sharp vision at varying distances. Your IOL type is generally based on your visual requirements. To make sure that you get the most effective cataract surgery in Mumbai, our surgeon will offer a wide range of IOLs and choose the best-suited option for your eyes.
Once the IOL is positioned appropriately in the eye, the eye may or may not be sutured depending on the incision. Small ocular incisions heal faster without any sutures.
The surgery does not take more than 30 to 45 minutes for completion. Since only the eye is numbed with a local anesthetic, you’ll be allowed to leave the hospital after some time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are no proven methods to prevent cataracts from forming. However, reducing exposure to sunlight, decreasing or discontinuing smoking and eating a balanced diet may help prevent their development.

Even the best eye hospital in Santacruz, Mumbai for cataract surgery will tell you that cataracts can’t be treated solely with lasers or medication as the cloudy lens cannot be cured nor does it regenerate. The only treatment option is to remove and replace the cataract lens surgically. 

IOLs are designed to improve vision in specific ranges. Hence, based on the problem with your retina, your cataract surgeon will select one of the following IOLs:

  • Monofocal IOLs: for the correction of distant vision only. 
  • Multifocal IOLs: Specialized IOLs used for correcting distant, intermediate and near vision altogether. 
  • Monofocal Toric IOLs: Special monofocal IOL used for patients with preexisting astigmatism.
  • Multifocal Toric IOLs: Also used for patients with preexisting astigmatism and multifocal.
  • Microincision IOLs: Thin specialized IOLs that require not more than 1.7mm of incision, making the recovery process much quicker.
  • Accommodative IOLs: Also known as Crystalens, it mimics the natural working of a human eye.

To help you swiftly recover from your cataract treatment, your surgeon will suggest some guidelines which you must keep in mind at all times until the eye is fully healed. Some of these guidelines include:

  • Wear an eye shield for at least ten days to prevent any external damage or infections
  • Do not rub your eyes or dab it with any cloth.
  • Utilize all the antibiotic eye-drops to prevent infection
  • Strictly avoid coming in contact with dust, grime and polluting gases
  • Avoid heavy lifting of bags or children for a few weeks
  • Avoid driving vehicles until the treated eye fully recovers
  • Avoid any form of alcoholic drinks and and cigarettes  
  • Do not use any cosmetic product around the eye 

Most of the discomfort should disappear in a couple of days. Often, complete healing occurs within eight weeks.

Even the best cataract surgeon in Santacruz,Mumbai will charge your cataract surgery based on the surgical procedure, and the type of IOL used to replace your lens. The costs of the IOL depends on its type and functionalities, and it varies between ₹5000 to ₹26000. Hence, the total cost of your cataract surgery in Santacruz,Mumbai may range anywhere between ₹15000 to ₹85000 accordingly.

In the aftermath of the surgery, you may notice certain deformities around the eye which will subside in a few days. Some of the common deformities include:

  • Cloudy, blurry or distorted vision after the procedure
  • Black eye or Bloodshot Eyes
  • Itchiness or dry eyes
  • Colours appearing to be brighter than usual

Depending on your healing capabilities, you should be able to resume your daily routine in the next two or three days. However, it’s better to consult your surgeon to confirm your recovery before rejoining work.

It doesn’t matter if you find the best eye hospital in Santacruz for cataract surgery as the outcome of this surgery highly depends on the skill of the surgeon. Hence, look for a clinic that employs the best cataract surgeon in Santacruz, Mumbai. Like Clear Vision Eye Centre, which comprises the most experienced and adept team of eye specialists in Santacruz, Mumbai. To start with, you can simply visit the Clear Vision website and book an appointment to discuss more about your cataract surgery.

The development of cataracts is a typical aspect of aging. It’s been said that everyone will develop cataracts if they live long enough.


Cataracts typically affect people in their 50s and 60s in India. However, if there is a strong family history of early cataract development, it may manifest earlier. Diabetes, any type of eye injury, using specific medications, eye infection or inflammation, radiation exposure, etc. are additional reasons for early cataracts. Seldom can a cataract be identified in youngsters as a developmental abnormality or congenital issue.

Local anesthetic is typically used during cataract surgery. During the procedure, the patient is conscious but not in pain. Some youngsters or patients who are really anxious require general anesthesia.

Technically, cataract surgery has a 95–98% success rate, making it a very successful technique. But the ultimate visual result also depends on the state of the eye, including the optic nerve, cornea, retina, and any underlying medical conditions, as well as amblyopia, or lazy eye.


Due to cataracts, it can occasionally be challenging to identify these anomalies prior to surgery, and we may only learn about them following the procedure. There isn’t a surgeon in the world who can guarantee a surgical outcome. However, after cataract surgery, nearly all patients regain normal vision.

The top cataract eye doctors in Mumbai would suggest to their patients to avoid reading, using screens, and bright lights for the first twenty-four hours following surgery. You can watch TV, use a computer, go back to work, and use your mobile gadgets after a few days. Take a three to four hour nap, shield your eyes from dust and air conditioning, avoid rubbing your eyes, and use lubricating eye drops to relieve dryness and irritation. To promote faster recovery, take baths rather than showers to prevent soap and tap water from going in your eyes.

The development of cataracts in one’s eyes is diagnosed with different techniques depending on the type and severity of vision damage.

Even the best eye hospital in Santacruz, Mumbai for cataract surgery will tell you that cataracts can’t be treated solely with lasers or medication as the cloudy lens cannot be cured nor does it regenerate. The only treatment option is to remove and replace the cataract lens surgically. 

This evaluation technique helps diagnose the type of cataract, its opacity, morphology, and etiology, along with any associated ocular pathology.

Here, the entire retina is evaluated to check the density of the cataract formation and whether it’ll need a B-scan evaluation.

This method is typically used to diagnose secondary cataracts, which cause an increase in intraocular pressure and is needed to prevent further complications.

Opting for cataract surgery is primarily to cure lifestyle-related problems it causes. Even though cataract doesn’t directly harm other parts of the eye or the body, it’s interference in the optical system makes it difficult for your to perform routine activities such as reading, driving, walking, and several others. An ophthalmologist will recommend this surgery until the cataract becomes apparent enough to cause such problems in your daily life.

Though most of the sharpness and depth perception of your vision will be restored after the surgery, you will still need basic reading glasses or bifocal glasses for activities that require sharp vision such as driving or watching TV. The power if your IOL can be adjusted to best suit the majority of your routine work and activities.

Both lenses have their quirks. Foldable lenses are made of silicone, which can be easily folded and inserted through small incisions. This means a smaller wound to heal and faster recovery.

Aspheric lenses are distortion-free with a modified surface that provides better contrast and depth perception and excellent night vision than the traditional foldable lenses.

There are some minor complications with cataract surgery, which are temporary and easily treated, such as a slightly droopy eyelid, swelling, corneal haze, glares and slight distortion in lens implant, delayed healing, corneal edema, etc.

However, in the rarest of cases that have occurred in almost negligible amounts, some severe complications like infection, severe inflammation, retinal detachment, nucleus drop, hemorrhage, etc. have been observed, and you should be aware of.

  • Presbyopic lens exchange or ‘Prelex’ lenses have been developed for helping patients above the age of 45 to have cataract surgery and get rid of glasses.
  • Implantable Contact Lenses are being used for patients with extreme degrees of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism to reduce their dependency on glasses.
  • Extended Range Symfony IOLs are a new addition to the IOL family that provides Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) and an excellent range of vision without the drawbacks associated with a multifocal visual system.
  • New surgical methodologies for treating cataracts caused by a traumatic accident or in pediatric cases have also been developed for helping kids and trauma patients.

Though cataract surgery has an excellent record of effectiveness and a 98% success rate, it’s efficacy varies based on individual factors such as:

  • The patient’s overall health
  • Surgeon’s overall Experience
  • Age
  • Type of surgery performed
  • Types of Implant used


The cataract surgery is recommended for patients who have:

  • Significant blurriness in the eye lens
  • Visual clarity ratio of 6/9 or worse
  • Age of 60 years or above
  • Accidental eye damage caused by foreign bodies

However, this surgery is not recommended to patients who are:

  • Diabetic or with other systemic disorders
  • Suffering from Glaucoma or other eye disorders
  • Pregnant or lactating
  • Under mandatory medications that may create problems for the cataract surgery

For patients who don’t want or aren’t fit to have cataract surgery, the alternative options may include:

  • Prescription of contact lenses, glasses, bifocals, other visual aids
  • Lifestyle modifications to coexist with the condition
  • Vision correction eye drops


Opting for cataract surgery at an early stage offers the following benefits:

Prevents Further Strain : It prevents further strain or damage caused to other parts of the eyes due to the affected lens’s dysfunction.

Prolongs Professional Life : It prolongs your professional life, which could have been affected by your eye disorder.

Ehances Visual Focus : It enhances your ability to read, drive, and perform other activities that require visual focus.

Minimal Complications : Being minimally invasive and technologically advanced, it has minimal complications